Espaitec connects six new firms with the Science and Technology Park of the Universitat Jaume I
Technology-based companies El Telar, Compark Mobility, Psique System, Net Real…
«Collaborative Innovation», the central themes of the first face-to-face workshop of the Recicla’t Espaitec series with Alfons Cornella
Espaitec has once again organised face-to-face sessions on its premises with,…
Recicla’t Espaitec organiza el primer taller presencial post-covid «Innovación Colaborativa» con Alfons Cornella
El miércoles 24 de noviembre, a las 16.30 horas en la Sala Multiusos de…
L’UJI llança un pla de formació inspiradora online sobre innovació en comunicació per a empreses d’Espaitec
La Universitat Jaume I (UJI) llança un pla de formació inspiradora online sobre…
I-Care launches the “Wi-care Service” all-in predictive maintenance
The I-care firm, located at the Science and Technology Park Espaitec of the…
Cuatroochenta makes its debut as a company listed to BME Growth on the Madrid Stock Exchange
Cuatroochenta, a firm that forms part of Espaitec, the Science and Technology…
IriusRisk obtains almost €6 million for its internationalisation
IriusRisk, an Espaitec-linked firm that has developed a platform to help…
Espaitec welcomes the companies Vinajoma, GEA, Arumani Engineering and SEVI Systems
The companies Vinajoma, Gestión Ecosistemas Agrícolas, Arumani Engineering and…
The company BluePlasma Power has set up at Espaitec
The company BluePlasma Power has recently set up at Espaitec after previously…
Implications in the Occupational Commercial areas during the pandemic
On 7 October, Espaitec organised a new online workshop as part of the Recicla’t…