Espaitec welcomes the companies Vinajoma, GEA, Arumani Engineering and SEVI Systems

The companies Vinajoma, Gestión Ecosistemas Agrícolas, Arumani Engineering and…

The company BluePlasma Power has set up at Espaitec

The company BluePlasma Power has recently set up at Espaitec after previously…

Implications in the Occupational Commercial areas during the pandemic

On 7 October, Espaitec organised a new online workshop as part of the Recicla’t…

The No-one Goes Without Their Daily Ration Project starts phase 2

Foodration4all, a company based at Espaitec, starts phase 2 of the pilot test…

Espaitec holds the 1 Event to Boost Creating UJI Spin-Off

On Wednesday 30 September, the “1 Event to Boost Creating UJI Spin-Off” was…

The Online Workshop of Refinancing and Restructuring Strategies in Times of Crisis

Espaitec is organising a new workshop as part of Recicla’t Espaitec to respond…

Espaitec is organising the 1 UJI Event to Boost Creating Spin-Off

On 30 September, the online “I UJI Event to Boost Creating Spin-Offs” will take…

Espaitec dona la benvinguda a les empreses Vinajoma, GEA, Arumani Engineering i SEVI Systems

Les empreses Vinajoma, Gestió Ecosistemes Agrícoles, Arumani Engineering i SEVI…

Espaitec da la bienvenida a las empresas Vinajoma, GEA, Arumani Engineering y SEVI Systems

Las empresas Vinajoma, Gestión Ecosistemas Agrícolas, Arumani Engineering y…

L'empresa BluePlasma Power s'instal·la en Espaitec

L'empresa BluePlasma Power s'ha instal·lat recentment en Espaitec, Parc…