Castellon Global Program Presentacion Espaitec UJI

The seventh edition of Castellón Global Program starts and is packed with novelties

Today the Science and Technology Park of the Universitat Jaume I (Espaitec) and…

CPG Candidatura 7a edicion

Registration opens for the seventh edition of the Castellón Global Program

Register before 10 may and take your company to the next level Espaitec and the…

CSGP 2018 Espaitec Presentacion Plan Crecimiento Empresarial

The Castellón Council Offices and Espaitec support business growth via innovation

The Science, Technology and Business Park of the Universitat Jaume I de…

Castellon Global Program

The fifth edition of the Castellón Global Program opens

Espaitec, Diputación de Castellón and CEEI present the fifth edition of the…

Castellon Global Program

The call to participate in the Castellón Global Program, innovation for business growth, is now open.

Register your company from 20 April to 10 May 2016 If you have a company in…

Everything is ready for the fourth novelty-filled Castellón Global Program edition

With three prior editions in which 27 companies have participated, 49 job posts…

Diputación y Espaitec fomentan la aceleración del crecimiento empresarial

Levante Castelló, 10/04/2016 En sus tres ediciones el programa ya ha ayudado a…

Diputación y UJI se unen para dar impulso al desarrollo empresarial

Mediterráneo, 10/04/2016 La cuarta edición del Castellón Global Program ultima…