Representatives of IVACE, CDTI, AVI and the Generalitat Valenciana presented their public financing programmes to promote innovation. The companies receiving this aid explained the benefits of these programmes

On Tuesday, Espaitec held the event «Public Financing for Innovative Firms». Its purpose was to inform the business fabric of Castellón about the public aid that they can apply for this year to undertake innovative projects. The following organisations participated: the Centre for Technological and Industrial Development  (CDTI), the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE), the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI), the Generalitat Valenciana, and companies from the province that provided details of their experiences after obtaining this aid.

This event was opened by the Deputy Vice-Rector of Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Universitat Jaume I (UJI), David Cabedo, and the Manager of the General Universitat Jaume I Foundation and the Director of Espaitec, Juan A. Bertolin. They both encouraged firms to contemplate forms of public finance to develop innovative projects that could not be undertaken without this economic support.


The Head of the Companies and Associations Area of IVACE, Javier Mínguez, was in charge of opening the session by presenting the business R&D&I plan of IVACE for 2022, which aims to finance SMEs’ R&D, innovation and digitisation projects.

The IT Manager of Innova Maquinaria, Victor Beade, explained that his company has been able to develop innovative ideas thanks to the aid received from CDTI and IVACE.



Next was the turn of the speech by the technician from CDTI’s Department of Institutional Promotion and Territorial Cooperation, María José Tomás, who presented her organisation’s innovation and research financing line. The following aid was highlighted: Neotec, which addresses new and innovative firms with R&D capacity and a high growth potential; Innvierte to promote innovative or technology-based firms’ competitiveness by CDTI’s investment and co-investors.


Then Eduardo Viana of the Cooperation Service between AVI Agents presented six lines to support competitive concurrence: evaluating and transferring research results to firms; promoting talent; driving innovative public purchases; strategic collaboration projects; consolidating the business value chain; complementary actions to drive and reinforce innovation. The R&D technician of FACSA, Javier Climent, spoke about the benefits that his company has gained by receiving such aid because it allowed his company to innovate and increase its financing.


This event ended with the General Manager of Government Coordination Action of the Generalitat Valenciana, Juan Ángel Poyatos, who presented Next-Generation Funds and how they are managed in the Valencian Community by means of the Valencian Office for Recovery, in charge of supporting large projects, companies and local organisations.