Espaitec will present the Outcomes of its Innovative Projects

On Thursday 17 December at 09:00h, the Outcomes of the Espaitec Innovative…

Espaitec participates in webinars and the 2020 UNaLab General Assembly

UNaLab, the European project which Espaitec, the Science and Technology Park of…

The 2 Innovation UJI – Companies Event reaches Vinaroz to deal with R&D&i challenges

On Monday 30 November, the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) and the Vinaroz Town…

Jornada Transferencia de Conocimiento Sagunto 2019

The Universitat Jaume I organises the 2 Innovation UJI – Companies Event in Sagunto

On Wednesday 25 November, the Universitat Jaume I and the Sagunto Town Council…

I-Care launches the “Wi-care Service” all-in predictive maintenance

The I-care firm, located at the Science and Technology Park Espaitec of the…