Espaitec is entered the home straight of the second phase of the project «Technology Map of the Province of Castellón». Over 100 firms from 16 towns in the province of Castellón have participated in this new project phase.

This second project phase has centred mostly on firms in the areas of Plana Alta and Plana Baixa with companies from the towns of Morella, Vinaròs and Benicarló. The aim of the project “Technology Map of the province of Castellón” is to create an innovation and technology marketplace of the region in the Universitat Jaume I’s area of influence.

The project is for provincial companies with a strong innovative and technology-base component that belong to one of these eight sectors: ICT; Innovative Services; Biotechnology and Health; Materials, Optics and Nanotechnology; Energy and Natural Environment; Marketing; Industrial Technologies; Social Technologies. They all fall in line with the Smart Specialisation Strategy of the Valencian Community (RIS3CV).

Project Phases

The project is now in the process of mapping the Castellón territory via the ArcGIS platform by implementing different layers in accordance with a set of analysed indicators. This platform allows us to visually show the distribution of the participating firms’ nature in line with a marketplace paradigm. The definite outcomes of this second project phase will be made publically known on 17 December.

The first phase of this initiative began in September 2019 and was financed by the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE). Efforts focused on designing a work methodology to devise a set of innovation indices of each participating company. This led to the first proof of concept by tracing the Plana Baixa area in the towns of Vall d’Uixó, Nules, Vilavella and Vila-Real having established the corresponding contacts with the companies that met the search requirements.

The second project phase started in February 2020 and is financed by the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI) on this occasion. After validating the methodology in the first phase, in this phase the geographic scope was extended to innovative firms in the Plana Alta area by starting a round of contacts with companies from the city of Castellón and the towns of Almassora, Vilafamés and Sant Joan de Moró.

The project “Technology Map of the province of Castellón” continues with its commitment to contribute to increase the provincial business fabric’s growth and competitiveness, particularly in times of crisis when innovation must become a constant business feature. Next year in its third phase, the project aims to extend innovative firms’ identification to the Universitat Jaume I’s remaining area of influence.