
The Espaitec firm CloudAPPi opts for specialised training in APIs in Latin America

CloudAPPi, a company based at Espaitec, continues with specialised training in…


The Espaitec firm NRS Group launches its new 360NRS platform for multichannel marketing campaigns

NRS Group, a firm linked with Espaitec, the Science and Technology Park of the…


Espaitec connects six new firms with the Science and Technology Park of the Universitat Jaume I

Technology-based companies El Telar, Compark Mobility, Psique System, Net Real…


SEVI Systems digitises cigarette vending machine payments by the TabacON application

The firm SEVI Systems, linked with Espaitec, has developed the TabacON…


Grup Quantum, amb seu en Espaitec, realitza el canvi a l'autoconsum fotovoltaic d'ESTUDI CERÀMIC

La multinacional castellonenca Estudio Cerámico, líder internacional en disseny…