Jornada e-health

The Universitat Jaume I debates about information technologies trends and challenges that apply to health

Five UJI research groups and four espaitec-linked companies presented their…

Chatbots with artificial intelligence reach Espaitec through the link with the company SemanticBots

This company uses machine learning methods to develop chatbots with artificial…

The virtual company Semanticbots has been selected as a finalist in Ances Open Innovation

107 companies from all over the country participated in this programme, which…

Zeus Master Marketing UJI

Students of the Master degree in Marketing and Market Research visit the company Zeus Vision at Espaitec

Jose Luis Callarisa, the Director of the Master degree in Marketing and Market…

taller el senyor de tiempo espaitec

Lego Serious Play arrives in Spain to teach new time management techniques

The objective of the “Time monitor with Lego Serious Play" workshop is to teach…

Jornada TICS aplicadas a salud UJI

Event about ICT applied to health organised by Universitat Jaume I

This event will inform about a new series of “S2B & B2S transfer” events…

Newsletter Desayuno Empresas Herramientas Cooperacion

Espaitec breakfasts: business cooperation tools.

Networking action to know cooperation and technology transfer platforms, like…


Biótica presents the first equiment to analyse legionella in situ

This Espaitec-linked company has successfully participated in the Mostra…

Econectia Ahimas Espaitec

The operator from Castellón eConectia merges with Ahímas

This merge will allow the company from Vila-real to sustainably face its……

Energy Apps Espaitec

The company Energy Apps, promoted by Universitat Jaume I researchers, is linked to Espaitec

Increasing in value the group’s research results is one of the objectives of…