La empresa Trebol Tree se une al Espaitec de la Jaume I

La empresa Trebol Tree se une al Espaitec de la Jaume I. Mediterráneo,…

Presentacion Proyectos Iniciativa Empresarial Informática 2018

Getting to know entrepreneurship projects devised as part of the business initiative subject

This afternoon we get to know the 11 entrepreneurial projects developed by…

We participate in the 16th International APTE Congress held in Avilés

La industria 4.0 y la digitalización empresarial bajo análisis en la próxima…

Cartel Taller de Co-creación

The Co-creation Workshop: Living Labs as internationalisation tools for SMEs

Living Labs are open innovation ecosystems that offer SMEs and start-ups a…

Equipo Biotica Espaitec

Biótica analyses the impact of Legionnaire’s Disease on the ceramics sector in Vila-real

Biótica is the biotechnology company in the Espaitec 2 building linked to Grupo…

Cabecera Desayuno Cocreacion Espaitec

An Espaitec breakfast. How to get customers involved in your product/service design

Social networks have transformed the way brand names communicate with their…

We collaborate in the third Hackathon Castellón, 48-hour ‘non-stop’ collaborative programming

This event takes place from 28 to 30 September in the Multisports Pavilion of…

Agencia Innovacio

Visit to the Valencian Innovation Agency

García Reche asks research personnel to engage in transforming the production…