Bootcamp Yuzzers

Espaitec celebra un "bootcamp" para emprendedores

Levante Castello? - 16/07/2016 El objetivo del bootcamp es ayudar a transformar…

Espaitec organiza el segundo bootcamp del año exclusivo para proyectos participantes en el programa Yuzz UJI

Mediterra?neo - 16/07/2016 La UJI promueve el espiritu emprendedor Ver adjunto…

Bootcamp Yuzzers

Espaitec holds the second bootcamp of the year to promote innovative entrepreneurship at the UJI

This Thursday and Friday saw the second Bootcamp Launchpad StartUJI 2016, an…

Presentación final de proyectos del Castellón Global Program

Levante de Castello? - 15/07/2016 Nueve empresas del Global Program presentan…


"Cataminario de autor" for espaitec-linked companies

On Friday 8 July, we organised an entertaining networking session. This was a…

Castellon Global Program

The nine selected projects in the Castellón Global Program present their plans after the training phase

The nine companies selected for this fourth edition of the Global Program have…

Taller de Fundación Globalis y Espaitec sobre financiación de la innovación

Mediterráneo, 02/07/2016 El Parque Científico, Tecnológico y Empresarial de la…

UJI computer engineering students devise a smart shopping trolley in a nationally awarded education programme

A smart shopping trolley to pay without having to go through supermarket tills…

European H2020 finance day. How to present a millionaire project.

Espaitec collaborates with the Fundación Globalis in organising a practical…