Jornada Transferencia de Conocimiento Sagunto 2019

The Universitat Jaume I organises the 2 Innovation UJI – Companies Event in Sagunto

On Wednesday 25 November, the Universitat Jaume I and the Sagunto Town Council…

I-Care launches the “Wi-care Service” all-in predictive maintenance

The I-care firm, located at the Science and Technology Park Espaitec of the…

The Innotransfer Forum debate about Sustainable Habitat challenges at the UJI

This morning the Innotransfer Hábitat Sostenible Forum was held. In its…

Castellón Global Program closes its eighth edition supporting firms in the province

Espaitec and the Castellón Council Offices closed the eighth edition of the…

Cuatroochenta makes its debut as a company listed to BME Growth on the Madrid Stock Exchange

Cuatroochenta, a firm that forms part of Espaitec, the Science and Technology…

Espaitec welcomes the companies Vinajoma, GEA, Arumani Engineering and SEVI Systems

The companies Vinajoma, Gestión Ecosistemas Agrícolas, Arumani Engineering and…