This morning the «Presentation of the Espaitec Innovative Projects Outcomes» took place. This event was opened by Managing Director of Espaitec, the Science and Technology Park of the Universitat Jaume I and the Manager of the General UJI Foundation, which manages the park, Juan A. Bertolín. He stressed that «these innovative projects were undertaken as part of the agreement reached between Espaitec and the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI) to promote economic development in the territory by means of innovation, transfer and entrepreneurship».

Next the General Deputy Manager of the AVI Innovation Programmes, Roberto Arnau, started the event by presenting «AVI 2021 Aid». Arnau stressed that we «are about to complete the 2021 Aid call, which is targeted to the connection and relation projects of the different innovation ecosystem agents».

Espaitec Innovative Projects

The first of the projects was the «Technology Map of the Castellón Province», presented by Lidia Vidal, the project technician. During this presentation, she underlined that 473 firms in this province were contacted, of which 113 had finally participated in the project to date, which has acquired constant evolution and development. This project identified and conferred visibility to technology- and innovation-based companies from this province, and explored the possibilities of synergies and collaborations among them. This project’s outcomes can be seen at

The project «Knowledge Transfer Antennae» was presented by its technician María Jesús Gascón, who centred on presenting the different initiatives that had been carried out in 2020 (1 Innovation and Technology Event; 1 Virtual Encouenter; 2 UJI-Sagunto and Vinaroz Companies Innovation Event; Innotransfer Hábitat Sostenible; 1 Event to Boost Creating UJI Spin-Offs). These initiatives have centred on facilitating contacts between professionals from Espaitec companies and companies from the Sagunto and Vinaroz areas, and UJI research groups, by means of «face-to-face» sessions to explore collaboration possibilities.

The «UJI.>LAB» project was presented by Francisco Martínez, its technician, who began by presenting the project’s website,, and continued by focusing on the various projects performed as part of this UJI.>LAB project (Inclusive Athletics Project; Integrated Disability Project;  Kimiobox & Chemobox Project). These initiatives are supported by multidisciplinary teams from the UJI in different areas like teachers, students, UJI Services (Sports Service and Infocampus), and collaborating associations (the Castellón Parkinson’s Disease Association). The contribution by Teresa Gallego, a UJI teacher and the co-director of the «Integrated Disability Project», stands out for her sound involvement.

Phase 2 of these three innovative projects took place thanks to the collaboration and financing of the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI) in 2020 by means of the Collaboration Agreement reached between this institution and the General Universitat Jaume I Foundation to promote knowledge and technology transfer between the university and companies, and to support innovative entrepreneurship. Phase 1 of these projects was financed in 2019 by the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE).