Debate about Valencian innovation and entrepreneurship system

Up to what point do we wish to focus the Valencian system of innovation and…

Awards for the UJI Student Entrepreneurship Initiative

This Award addresses all UJI students who are currently studying or who…

espaitec and Lanzadera sign a collaboration agreement

The Science, Technology and Business Park of the Universitat Jaume I of…

AENOR explained the advantages of the new innovative company certificate

Gerardo Malvido, Head of R&D+I the Spanish Standards and Certification…

Chip Chap opts to use cryptocurrency in Greece

Chip Chap has closed several agreements with the company Bitchain (Barcelona)…

Biótica Bioquímica Analítica participated in ACHEMA 2015

Biótica was at this trade fair with Water I.D., Water Testing Equipment, a…

New innovative company and innovate SME certificates

The Science, Technology and Business Park of the UJI (espaitec), in…

A boot camp begins with the Castellón Global Program

The Castellón Global Program Companies Club is made up of 27 companies which…

espaitec-linked companies create an app on university entrance exams

espaitec-linked companies Vennova, 480interactive and Aticsoft have created an…

deCharlas Google WEb Mobile

Cloud Computing Conference at the UJI

In the morning, it presented the services and solutions as practical examples…