Taller Pascual Benet Espaitec

How to fall upwards, the new workshop with Pascual Benet

On 5 March, Pascual Benet returns to Espaitec to teach us the main…

Empresa Actualmed Espaitec

Actualpacs includes artificial intelligence to optimise processes

The radiological management platform has been developed by Actualmed Since it…

Desayuno Empresarial Cloudappi

New Espaitec Breakfast with Cloudappi

Companies and security in the cloud; five pieces of advice you can’t miss On…

Trebol Tree Nueva Empresa Espaitec

Trebol Tree, the new Espaitec company specialised in digital marketing for the gastronomy sector

Castellón is a small-sized city, but with a very high gastronomic level which…

Visita Rectora Espaitec

Rector Eva Alcón meets the companies based at the Universitat Jaume I

This morning the Science, Technology and Business Park of the Universitat Jaume…

Presentacion Proyectos Iniciativa Empresarial

11 Technological projects by UJI students presented at Espaitec

Last Wednesday, the year-4 students of the Degrees of Computer Engineering and…

Proyecto Kryptonita Espaitec

Avoiding cross-contaminations via rapid detectors of allergens is the objective of Project Kryptonita

Cross-contamination with allergens while producing food is one of the main…

UJI Empren OnSocial Segunda Edicion Presentacion Inicial

The UJI supports 17 entrepreneurial projects via UJI Emprèn Onsocial

This programme is coordinated by Espaitec and the Increa Chair, in which SECOT…