The 8th edition of the Castellón Global Program (CGP) the reference business growth programme in the province of Castellón, starts after it has become well-established in 25 towns, 15 sectors and 68 companies. It aims to improve the capacity and competitiveness of this province’s business fabric to grow by injecting innovation and new processes into the daily activity of any company interested in participating.

CGP is organised by Espaitec, the Science and Technology Park of the Universitat Jaume I in collaboration with the Castellón Council Offices. It responds to the growth requirements of new businesses, helps well-established firms to develop their growth strategy and facilitates the generation change in long-standing family businesses. CGP offers specialised training and personalised mentoring from day 1, is free and always considers firms’ specific needs.

Castellón Global Program adapts to the online format

Given today’s situation, the CGP organisers believed it necessary to continue with this 8th edition to continue helping companies in the province of Castellón to face technological and innovation challenges, and now more than ever with today’s health crisis. Thus by bearing in mind the restrictions set out by Spanish Royal Decree 463/2020, dated 14 March, about the coronavirus pandemic, it decided to redesign its training and mentoring plan to confer it an online format using an adapted methodology and increasing the programme’s added value. This will help companies from all geographic locations in the province to participate, especially those located inland, which will be able to access 100 training hours without having to travel to Castellón.

Another novelty worth mentioning is the inclusion of Mentor-Friend. In the 2020 edition, former programme companies will be able to accompany new firms throughout the training process by contributing their experience and knowledge firsthand. Regarding former programme companies, the training, networking and follow-up actions of the Castellón Global Program Companies Club will be reinforced by the 68 firms that participated in former editions.

Registering for this 8th edition continues to 1 May 2020. All that needs to be done to participate is to fill in the online form on the programme’s website at, in accordance with the company’s type, and present the required documents.

Finally, all the programme’s details and specifications to participate, details on training sessions, schedule of events and the curricula of teachers and mentors can be consulted at, where there are also videos with testimonies of those companies that have participated before. If in any doubt, please contact us by email at