The process selection to participate in this training course is free of charge, and will continue until 20 October.

The Bankinter Innovation Foundation and Universitat Jaume I (UJI) of Castellón promote, for the first time in the Valencian Community, the Akademia You Project, which has been devised to promote an innovative attitude and to awaken the entrepreneur spirit among students at Spanish universities. To learn about this project, the UJI has organised an informative session to be held on Monday 3 October 2016 at 15:00h in the Hall of Degrees at the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences.

The Akademia You Project course is a national reference in the education field for Spanish youths in innovation and entrepreneurship. The selected students will discover the tools offered to them, guided by experience in the Akademia staff (formed by top professionals in innovation in Spain) and by experts of international prestige who form part of the Future Trends Forum, the first Think Tank of Science and Technology in Spain, and one of the leading ones worldwide.

Thanks its swift and innovative methodology, students will examine in detail the main innovation trends and opportunities and tools offered to them to build their future. At the UJI, content will be distributed during eight sessions by a blended model, which combines virtual and face-to-face classes. This project will be undertaken during the academic year, from 14 November 2016 to 15 May 2017. It will analyse innovation trends and teach the methodology to set up one´s own innovative project. The final projects will be presented during the closing ceremony to a jury made up of experts, entrepreneurs and potential investors.

The selection process to participate in Akademia Project will continue until 20 October 2016. This course addresses graduate and post-graduate students who wish to excel themselves, and want to look forward to, and feel the desire to and the willingness to collaborate and work as a team with a committed attitude. Interested students must send their CV and a cover letter before the above date to:

This project, in which more than 1,000 university students have participated, with a wide variety of degrees, offers students the chance to live innovation differently. Of those who have participated in the Akademia You Project, 94% recommend it and stress the multidisciplinary and innovative nature of the tools, concepts and techniques learned. So they acquire a broader perspective which allows them to think up ideas and solve problems with more added value.