In November, the Valencian Community will host its first networking on technology and tourism, a threefold event to be held in the capitals of its three provinces to bring closer the latest technological advances and new proposals put forward by the most innovative firms to the main autonomous industry. Turisme Futur 2019, the name of this event, will commence on 12 November at the Science and Technology Park of the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón (Espaitec) before moving on to Valencia on 19 November and Alicante on 26 November.


During all three sessions, this event will allow the most novel solutions developed by the entrepreneurial fabric to be taken to managers, procurement officers and those responsible for technology from the main tourist industries in the Valencian Community. This encounter will also be open to tourism technicians and those politically responsible for the main local, provincial and autonomous administrations in the tourism sector to present them all the possibilities offered by new technologies when developing new ways to promote and manage tourism.

The tourist industry in the Valencian Community represents 14% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in this region and accounts for around 15% of employment there, which make it the main activity that generates wealth and well-being. According to World Tourism Organization (WTO) data, tourism is rapidly increasing with annual growth at about 6%, and this sector is expected to be greatly transformed by applying technology.

From using mobile phones to search for all types of tourist services and contract them to the use of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, to the vast possibilities offered by Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are just some of the technologies to be shown at Turisme Futur 2019, an event that will favour exchanging experiences and building business. According to Juan José Ortiz, the manager of Amazing Up, an Espaitec-linked firm that promotes this event, the innovation fabric is full of very interesting solutions and new high-value proposals for the tourist industry, but “it is often hard to enable the whole potential public access to technological innovations”. This is why setting up this event has been considered as it intends to bring together the most powerful technological companies to take their proposals to the main tour operators in the Valencian Community, ranging from hotels and resorts, to leisure centres, restaurants and, of course, the Public Administration at all its territorial levels.

To facilitate information exchange and the attendance of a number of companies that allows more business being built, each session is limited to 12 technology companies attending, which will show their proposals during 15-minute presentations. Each session will also include a long time for exchanges, a coffee break and a meal time to offer a relaxed commercial time to help promote contacts being made and new business opportunities. Attempts will be made as far as possible to avoid the exhibiting companies coinciding in their types of products and services so as to offer as wide a spectrum of opportunities as possible made available to the tourist industry.

Any technology-based companies interested in participating can register on the event’s web and, apart from them attending the fair, they will receive promotional support for the following months by being featured in the digital journal “Turisme Futur”, which will be handed out to the whole Tourist sector in the Valencian Community at no charge and will be diffused on social networks.


The I Networking on Technology and Tourism in the Valencian Community is being jointly organised by Amazing Up and Sé Comunica, with the collaboration of the Science and Technology Park of the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón (Espaitec) (Espaitec) and the European Centre of Innovative Companies of Castellón (CEEI).


Further information