On Tuesday 10 December, the Universitat Jaume ISagunto Town Council 2019 Transfer Event was held in the Mario Monreal Cultural Centre in the capital of Camp de Morvedre. This event has been well accepted by both professionals from Sagunto-based companies and UJI research groups. The main objective of this event was to hold meetings during one whole morning with professionals from companies from this town and groups of researchers from the Universitat Jaume I to get to know one another and to explore collaboration possibilities.

This event began by the Mayor of Sagunto, Darío Moreno, presenting the Transfer Event, along with the UJI Vice-Rector of Research and Transfer, Jesús Lancis, and the Manager of the General UJI Foundation, Juan Antonio Bertolín. The Regional Councillor of Education, José Manuel Tarazona, and the Regional Councillor of Economic Promotion, María José Carrera, also attended. This event forms part of the Project of Knowledge Transfer Antennae, carried out by the General Universitat Jaume I Foundation, and financed by the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE).

Finally, after opening the event came the turn of the various networkings (working in networks and bilateral meetings among professional from companies and research groups). The themes covered were, for instance, the integrated management of Agricultural Pests, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Ceramics, Glass and Nanotechnology, Manufacturing Engineering, Design Engineering, Waste Engineering, Electricity, Electronics and Automatics, Refrigeration and Climatisation, Transferring Heat, Cold and Electricity, Multiphase Fluids, Solid-State Chemistry, Environmental and Occupational Hazards, Processes Reengineering and Business Digitalisation.