Today, Wednesday 11 December, the Technology Fair of UJI Associations closed, which was run by ESTCE at the Universitat Jaume I. The associations La Plantilla Disseny, UJI Game Experience, UJI Motorsport, UJI Electric Racing Team, EngiOn and Hackerspace Castellón allowed the university community, students and teachers alike, to enjoy itself.

The theme challenges, proposed by the various associations, include video games like Guitar Hero, a 3D printer, the Electric Motorcycle, the Formula 1 Simulator, LED Racing Circuits and Integrated Chip, along with machines on show from the UJI.>LAB project, promoted by Espaitec, have been enjoyed by the university community on the two days the technology fair lasted.

The Technology Fair of UJI Associations is co-financed by the Vice-Rectorate of Students and Social Commitment and is supported by the School of Technology and Experimental Sciences (ESTCE) and by Espaitec, the Science and Technology Park of the UJI.

Workshops to introduce 3D printing are scheduled

On Friday 13 December, two workshops will be run to introduce 3D printing by fused filament fabrication on Hackerspace Castellón premises, located in Workshop 3 in the Espaitec 1 Building. Those attending will be able to know the whole process, from designing and creating a simple part with FreeCAD, to fabricating with UJI.>LAB printers. Some examples of using this technology will also be offered by the Biomechanics and Ergonomics Research Group to develop prostheses.

Machines have been set up on these premises and will very soon be available for the university community to use them. They include a laser cutter, a fused filament 3D printer, a stereolithography 3D printer, a high-precision CNC milling machine and a vinyl cutting plotter.

It is worth stressing that for the rest of the event, with no scheduled times, people can freely visit the association’s premises. Anyone interested in taking part in the workshop need to take a laptop and have also installed the software FreeCAD 0.18 ( and Ultimaker Cura 4.4 (

You can register for the Workshop to Introduce 3D Printing by clicking on the link below as seating is limited. Come on and participate!