This morning the Innotransfer Hábitat Sostenible Forum was held. In its opening, the following participated: Eva Alcón the Rector of the Universitat Jaume I (UJI); Andrés García the Vice-Chair of the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI), Enrique J. Sánchez, the Head of the University Ceramics Technology Institute (ITC-IUTC), Gustavo Mallol the Head of the Research Association of the Ceramics Industry (ITC-AICE) and Juan A. Bertolín the Managing Director of Espaitec.

UJI Rector Eva Alcón stressed during the opening of Innotransfer Hábitat Sostenible the option of Science and Technology Parks of public universities, like Espaitec, for innovations as a «strategy to respond to challenges such as green transition, digital transformation and promoting a new knowledge-based economic model».

She also pointed out that Innotransfer Hábitat Sostenible offers an unbeatable collaboration space «to connect research groups, technology agents and companies that promote innovative solutions to design more sustainable and healthy habitats». Rector Eva Alcón stressed that this R&D&i initiative within the sustainable habitat framework falls in line with Sustainable Development Goals to design sustainable cities and communities, to promote health and people’s well-being, and to favour using available and non-polluting energy.

The participating companies and institutions

The Innotransfer Hábitat Sostenible forum began with the Corporate Director of Innovation and Technology of Royo Group, César Taboas, who underlined the role of the Strategic Committee of Innovation Specialised in Sustainable Habitat of the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI). Then architects Irene Reig (Estudio de Diseño Carpe) and Blanca Pedrola (Bipolaire Arquitectos) participated, who shared their vision in the sustainable habitat area, as well as the model of resilient cities to climate change. Isabel Rodríguez-Maribona, Head of Technology at Tecnalia and Vice-President of ECTP Presidium, shared some innovations that take place in the sustainable habitat area in Europe.

Innotransfer included a talk by the General SubManager of Ecological Innovation in Construction of the Generalitat Valenciana, Margarita Vila, who explained the new aid available for the sector. The following companies also participated, Cemex, Grupo Gimeno and Grupo Keraben, along with the Ceramics Technology Institute (ITC). Representing Cemex, Ruth Millán as Head of Business Social Responsibility intervened, as did the Head of the Natural Environment in Catalonia, Judith Blasco. On behalf of  Grupo Gimeno, Head of R&D&i project, Javier Climent, took part, with Luis Guaita from Grupo Keraben as Head of R&D&i, and finally the Ceramics Technology Institute (ITC) represented by Javier Mira,  Coordinator of the Habitat Area.

When the Innotransfer Hábitat Sostenible ended, a period began so that research personnel and companies could present their «Expressions of Interest», namely requirements and challenges put forward by companies, and specific solutions promoted by research groups on a specific platform. These expressions of interest will allow technicians who support the innovation of business associations, technology centres and universities to identify collaboration opportunities that can be undertaken as part of project calls.