The start-up Medco Health and the Spanish Sleep Association (Asenarco) are organising the first medical conferences on sleep in the province of Castellón. This multisectorial encounter is where you can discover how the sleep process works, understood the importance of sleeping well for our organism, and know the various treatments available on the market. The Castellón City Council and UJI Saludable collaborate.

The event will take place on Thursday 26 February at 16.00h in the installations of the Science, Technology and Business Park of the Universitat Jaume I (espaitec). It addresses professionals in the healthcare sector, patients already diagnosed and to be diagnosed, and representatives from other sectors of interest: personnel working on occupational hazards, transport companies and prevention services, among others. Attendance is free of charge, but registering is necessary for space reasons and can be done on or by ringing these telephone numbers: 964387389/ 655915800.

During this event, several medical professionals will explain how our organism works while we are asleep and the symptomatologies that characterise sleep-related diseases, among which SAHS stands out, this being a common disorder that affects up to 10% of the population, characterised by a series of superficial breathing or pauses while asleep.