“La Clau … de la Innovació” returns in November to cover the theme of social and sustainable urban planning. By means of an open discussion between experts and the Castellón society, the importance of developing new ways to manage architectural projects will be debated, where user’s requirements will be the centre of attention.

This event organised by Espaitec will take place on Thursday 14 November at 16:30h at the Castellón Territorial Architects’ Association. For seating and organisation reasons, it is necessary to register for this event using this link https://forms.gle/YKwd822uJ23uenBZA before 12 November

A panel of experts will cover the social and sustainable urban planning subject from different areas like architecture, technology, the natural environment or citizen services. They will offer a 360º perspective from different views, experiences and skills.

The debate will be moderated by Juan Antonio Bertolín, the Manager of the General Universitat Jaume I Foundation and the Managing Director of Espaitec. The following
experts will participate: Blanca Pedrola, an architect from Bipolaire Arquitectos, who will provide an urban planning and efficient architecture view; Irene Reig, a member of CivicWise Valencia, who will stress the importance of citizens participating in urban planning; José Guillermo Muñoz, Head of Innovation at Be More 3D, who will offer an innovative view of based on constructing buildings with 3D printers.

Daniel González, Head of Business Development at IoT Sens, will talk about transforming cities into smart places; Teresa Gallego, a Teacher in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Construction at the Universitat Jaume I, will provide her experience in developing social architectural projects for common welfare; Ángel Pitarch, the Chair of the Architects’ Association in Castellón and Director of the Degree of Technical Architecture of the Universitat Jaume I, will explain how universities train future technicians in social skills applied to urban planning.

 “La Clau de la Innovació…” is a new format with which to diffuse innovation, science and technology financed by the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society. This event aims to encourage interactions between curious minds with open debates held between citizens and experts. By means of such actions, we create innovative environments with creative discussion, reflection and co-creation for themes of interest linked to innovation and creativity being created.