On Wednesday 27 November, the first Innotransfer CV event will take place at the Universitat d´Alacant and is organised by the Network of Valencian Science Parks (REPCV). The theme for this event will be Emotional Intelligence from both the academic and business points of view.

REPCV, along with the parks associated with it, is a fundamental element of the process to transform the Valencian business fabric. It plays a decisive role in the knowledge transfer processes that take place at Valencian public universities by generating solutions in these universities for innovating companies.

By organising these forums, financed by the Generalitat Valenciana via the Valencian Institute of Business Competetiveness (IVACE), REPCV attempts, on the one hand, to reinforce the creation of synergies and, on the other hand, to explore new collaborations between the companies from the different parks and research groups of the public universities in the Valencian Community and the various stakeholders of the Valencian innovation ecosystem (European Business and Innovation Centres, Technology Institutes, etc.), and also with any firms interested in innovative solutions being applied to their own developments.

The fact that the proposed activity increases will help to demonstrate that the REPCV science parks will be essential actors in University–Company knowledge and technology transfer processes, which is a basic element for transforming the economic model in our region. To read more about the event, click on Innotransfer CV