Emotional Apps, a technology-based company in Castellón, has developed PicFeel, the first social tool to share and locate emotions using photos. With PicFeel, users can create their own world map of emotions by associating emotions with images from anywhere around the world, and can also discover places where people are feeling certain emotions. This company was created by the teacher of Social Psychology, Edgar Bresó, and Computer Languages and Systems, Francisco Ramos. It combines both disciplines to develop technology products that manage emotions.

Bresó explained that PicFeel is «a communication tool that allows us to know how people feel in a given place at a certain time through images. It confers visibility to people’s happy moments, but also to far-off misfortunes, problems in society, and problems in the world in general». This application allows users to be «rewarded for knowing that they can help others; by helping create a world map of emotions in which all the other users can participate, either to communicate how they are enjoying being in this place and, therefore, wish to encourage users to be interested in visiting this place, or to confer visibility to a negative situation; e.g. reporting a given social problem», explained this Social Psychology teacher.

Francisco Ramos pointed out that this application is available free of charge for mobile devices on the main apps markets. «The idea is that users can upload a photo and label it with the emotions it arouses: surprise, sadness, envy, disgust, etc., like an Instagram of emotions».