Innotransfer Hábitat Sostenible is coordinated by Espaitec, promoted by the Network of Valencian Science Parks (rePCV), and supported by the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI).

This morning the first of the three webinars scheduled in the Innotransfer Hábitat Sostenible Forum took place, whose main theme was energy transition in producing building materials with green hydrogen as a key future energy resource. The Vice-Rector of Research and Transfer, Jesús Lancis, opened this event. Lancis stressed that the Innotransfer Forum «is a cooperation initiative between the science and industrial fields which, in 2020, reunited more than 1,100 technology and innovation agents, and received more than 235 expressions of interest shown by firms related to Automotive and Sustainable Mobility, Agro-Food, Sustainable Habitat, Health and Enabling Technologies». He also added that «with these events, collaboration opportunities will be created and synergies will be presented in the habitat domain between the science field and the business world».

The first of the speeches was given by the CEO of Kerajet, José Vicente Tomás, who underlined the importance of energy transition in producing building materials. Next was the turn of two researchers from the Institute of Advanced Materials (INAM) of the UJI, Sixto Giménez and José Mata, who focused on green hydrogen and new electrolysis developments for a sustainable habitat at a competitive cost, plus the storage of hydrogen using organic liquids, and he stressed that it is a fundamental resource for using renewable energies.

This online session continued with the speech by the CEO of Ceracasa, Carlos Cabrera. He emphasised the main characteristics of the product Bionictile®: decontaminating porcelain pieces that prioritise sustainability. Then the architect Jorge Corrales from the habitat area of the Institute of Ceramic Technology (ITC-AICE) provided details of the CERBUILD project, which aims to incorporate and adapt the ceramics sector to the industrialised building process, and to develop systems that fulfil requirements, and are to be included in current working methodologies in architecture and urban planning (BIM).

Juan A. Bertolín, the Manager of the General UJI Foundation and the Managing Director of Espaitec, ended this webinar. He moderated the session and presented the Innotransfer platform for the 2021 Sustainable Habitat challenges, which opened a period for research personnel and the business sector to put forward their «challenges» and the specific solutions promoted by research groups. With them, the technicians supporting innovation from business associations, technology centres and universities will identify the collaboration opportunities that can be shaped by means of project calls.


The Innotransfer forum is a multisectorial open innovation and collective management initiative that aims to promote the knowledge and technology transfer developed by the Science and Technology Parks in the Valencian Community for the business ecosystem in this region in key economic sectors like Automotive and Sustainable Mobility, Agro-Food, Sustainable Habitat, Health and Enabling Technologies.

The main business associations, Valencian public universities and the Network of Technology Institutes REDIT participate in the Innotransfer Forum, which is financed by the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI). This initiative aims to promote dialogue between researchers and firms from the Valencian Community by the catalysing action of the intermediate structures of both the public-private research ecosystem and the Valencian business ecosystem.