There are times like the present-day when telework, conciliation and confinement can involve extra energy demands and better emotional capacity. Recent studies into job and training centres show how some changes in diet improve people’s emotional balance by allowing them to better adapt to change and stressful periods.

On Thursday 14 May at 16:00h, nutritionist Pilar Esquer will share with us some pieces of advice to well manage stress, keep motivated, reduce aggressiveness and solve conflicts with food. This action forms part of the Cuita’t Espaitec Workshops series where health and well-being are at the forefront.


The aim of this free webinar is to provide attendees with tools to control stress through daily meals by learning to lower anxiety levels and solve conflicts thanks to eating properly and healthy habits. Anyone interested in participating must register using this registration form before 13 May.

The 2-hour session will follow a practical participative methodology. Part one will last longer and be given by nutritionist Pilar Esquer, with whom attendees will discover basic concepts about food and its relation to mood, and will learn to design homemade menus to deactivate stress.


Physiotherapist Alba Alemán will be in charge of session part two, when we can learn exercise routines to undo muscular stress and to intensify our concentration. At the end of this webinar, attendees will have drawn up an anti-stress action plan they can later apply at their workplace.

These actions form part of Cuida’t Espaitec and are financed by the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Universities,Science and Digital Society of the Generalitat Valenciana. With this new open online format, the aim of these sessions is to contribute to improve society’s health by means of a series of actions to take care of our bodies and minds.


She graduated in Human Nutrition by the University of Murcia and has a Diploma in Business Management by the Open University (UK). She is an expert in both Managing Healthy Businesses and Healthy Gastronomy and Therapeutic Cooking. She has been a member of the Gastronomy and Nutrition Chair of the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón, and has conducted several studies about the food of the schoolchildren in this province. She has had a 2-year project to improve the university community’s health through eating.

She has done several courses to specialise in Sport Nutrition and in Regenerative and Functional Medicine at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition in London, where she lived for 5 years. She has been a speaker in various national and international seminars and conferences, and has worked as a trainer for the consultancy firms Adecco, Talemno, Hybris and Alenta.

She is presently a teacher of Nutrition at the Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, runs her own clinical nutrition consultancy in Castellón, and develops and sets up healthy management systems for companies through her company HABITS. She is the founder partner of Mensa Cívica and has been an ambassador to cook Jamie Oliver for his “Food Revolution Foundation” project in Castellón since 2015. She forms part of a prestigious network of speakers called Thinking Heads.


She graduated in Physiotherapy by the Universidad de las Islas Baleares and specialises in sport and oncology, is a Higher Technician of Physical-Sport Activities, runs her clinic called A3 Physiotherapy in both Oxford (UK) and Spain, and forms part of the sport physiotherapists team at Oxford University.

She has participated in various events and conferences on specialised physiotherapy as a speaker and an independent speaker. She is an expert in Basic/Static Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics (levels 1 and 2), Dry Needling Treatment in Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Spine Management Techniques.

Throughout her career on the Balearic Islands, she has formed part of multidisciplinary teams in hospitals like the San Joan de Déu Hospital in its Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology and the Quirón Salud Hospital in its Department of Traumatology and Orthopaedics, among others. She specialised in sport at the RCD Mallorca and in the sport physiotherapy clinic Fisioplanet, where she was a member of the physiotherapists team of the Balearic Sport Gymnastics Team.