The companies Vinajoma, Gestión Ecosistemas Agrícolas, Arumani Engineering and SEVI Systems have incorporated into Espaitec, the Science and Technology Park of the Universitat Jaume I (UJI), to form part of its innovative and technology ecosystem. GEA and Vinajoma are linked physically with the park, while Arumani Engineering and Sevi Systems are virtually linked companies.

Vinajoma S.L. is a recently formed company that has won the third edition of the social entrepreneurship programme UJI Emprèn OnSocial. Vinajoma offers an alternative solution to the public transport between Universitat Jaume I university students by organising users’ information to improve and optimise their weekly, monthly or 6-monthly travelling by a simple mobile application. This helps to cut public transport waiting times and costs, and also minimises CO2 emissions on the campus.

The company Gestión Ecosistemas Agrícolas S.L. (GEA) specialises in the production, commercialisation, storage, distribution and sales of all kinds of agricultural and farming products in their natural and processed forms. GEA has a product portfolio to be used in sustainable agricultural systems. These products are applied to plants or soils to regulate and improve crop physiological processes. The intention is to optimise post-harvest crop vigour, performance, quality and conservation, and to achieve maximum efficiency.

Arumani Engineering S.L. is a company that specialises in assembling avant-garde designed industrial installations by a methodology that is distinguished for its capacity to obtain point clouds in the real settings where the project is carried out to then build a 3D model of the new installation that bears in mind the existing one. To do so, it incorporates digital assembly design and engineering, which allow more efficient proposals to be made and anticipates possible obstacles which, in the working phase, would imply delays. They also optimise the employed material and cut the time that work lasts.

SEVI Systems S.L. develops the SIME Project, which consists in creating an application to verify user identity that allows a connection between a mobile phone and a vending machine to be made. A shopping method and system that avoids coming into direct contact with vending machines, and allows payments via electronic means. This company’s services include the creation of customer-personalised software, including professional web and multiplatform design, technological counselling, and counselling on the Spanish Organic Law on Personal Data Protection and Guaranteeing Digital Rights (LOPD-GDD, in Spanish).