Espaitec has been recognised as the most active park in the Spanish National Association of Science and Technology Parks (APTE) network in 2021 thanks to its involvement in the activities driven by the institution.  

As part of the 20th International Conference of the Spanish National Association of Science and Technology Parks (APTE), held at ParcBit (the Technological Innovation Park of Palma de Mallorca), Espaitec was awarded as the most active park in the APTE network in 2021 for its substantial involvement in the initiatives driven by this Spanish organisation.

Projects have been promoted from the APTE Network in 2021, in which the actions that Espaitec has collaborated actively in include, among others, twinnings between associated parks to favour synergies among the firms linked with technological ecosystems; contribution during periodical training sessions; presentation of Espaitec’s innovation practice; participation in the Science and Technology Programme in Feminine; participation on the Disruptive Spanish disruptive technologies platform; B2B encounters between companies linked with parks or with management parties. It is highlighted that Espaitec was also recognised in 2019 as the most active park in the APTE network.

Second prize for the Best Practice in Science and Technology Parks 2022 

During the 20th International Conference of the Spanish National Association of Science and Technology Parks (APTE), Espaitec also received the second prize for the Best Practice in Science and Technology Parks 2022 for the Innovation Camp initiative, a methodology linked with the Technology Map of the Castellón Province programme financed by the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI) whose objective is to facilitate knowledge and technology transfer between companies and university research groups to overcome business challenges.

The initiative is named after the original methodology designed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the European Committee of the Regions (CoR). Its purpose is to collectively and effectively deal with the socio-economic challenges that affect local societies in Europe, particularly in the Research and Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) field, through an open, collaborative and inclusive Enterprise Discovery Process (EDP) among Quadruple Helix stakeholders (government, industry, academy and civil society), which Espaitec has adapted to the requirements in its socio-economic environment.

Espaitec’s Innovation Camp focuses on listening to and revitalising the interaction process (Journey Management) among organisations, firms and Universitat Jaume I research groups to deal with technological challenges based on a user-driven co-creation approach. This activity: allows a close look at the identification and development of each participant’s own competitive advantages; diffuses the work done by the various university research groups to present the university as a reference R&D centre for firms; opts for business evolution to improve and empower competitiveness through innovation in an open collaborative environment. This methodology has also been personalised in Espaitec’s Livinglab UJI.>LAB for co-creative projects in the university community.