At the beginning of this year, various regional, national and European organisations placed at the disposal of firms, entrepreneurs, research groups and SMEs a set of public financing programmes to carry out innovative projects. In order to inform the business fabric from the Castellón province about the existing range of opportunities, on Thursday 4 February Espaitec organised the free online event «The main public financing instruments for innovative companies».

During this informative session, held from 09:00 to 11:00h, organisations like the Centre for Technological Industrial Development (CDTI), the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE) and the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI) presented the available public aid for promoting business innovation in 2021. Some companies also participated to explain successful experiences in obtaining such subsidies. This free event took place on the Zoom platform, and anyone interested had to register for it beforehand.

The main objectives of aid/subsidies are to achieve business cooperation, technology transfer between universities and companies, promote SMEs’ digitisation, and set up innovative firms or projects that centre on the innovation of a product, service or process.

Certain public financing mechanisms are available that allow the business value chain to be well-established by favouring companies’ intensive knowledge use and setting up instruments like Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI) for developing technologies and innovations towards the improved quality and efficiency of public services.

With today’s economic crisis as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, companies need all the possible help they can get to survive such a harsh reality and to, in turn, be reinforced and leave this complicated situation behind. Therefore, this event was an excellent opportunity to be familiar with the most relevant public financing instruments placed at companies’ disposal for 2021, especially those companies interested in contributing to promote innovation or business digitisation.