On 4 February, Espaitec organised the webinar «The main public financing instruments for innovative companies». During this event, the main public stakeholders who support innovation presented the most outstanding subsidy lines to encourage innovation in the provincial business fabric.

This event was opened by David Cabedo, the Deputy Vice-Rector of Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Universitat Jaume I (UJI), and Juan Antonio Bertolín, the Manager of the General Universitat Jaume I Foundation and the Managing Director of Espaitec. Both stressed the importance of these financing instruments for promoting innovation, and encouraged attendees to present projects in the different existing aid lines.

Javier Mínguez, Head of the Companies and Associations Area of the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE), presented the «IVACE’s R&D plan of business innovation, which includes aid lines like: Createc, for small-sized innovative and technology-based companies; PIDI, which promotes industrial research and individual experimental development in PYMES; Digitaliza, a financing programme that supports innovation solutions being set up for SMEs’ digitisation; Pidcop, for industrial research and experimental development in cooperation; InnovaProD, which develops and manufactures new products or significantly improves already manufactured ones.

María José Tomás, a technician from the Department of Institutional Promotion and Territorial Cooperation at the Centre for Technological Industrial Development (CDTI), presented the main financing lines that CDTI places at the disposal of SMEs, large-sized companies, R&I organisations, universities and technology centres. During her talk, she highlighted that in 2019 CDTI mobilised €1,415 million for R&D&I and supported more than 1,500 national projects. Of the aid presented during this event, programmes supporting individual, national and international R&D cooperation projects stood out. Other support lines were included, such as Neotec Innvierte, as were programmes that motivate Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI) or transfer.

Jorge Teschendorff, Head of the Service to Promote Knowledge and Talent at the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI), presented a set of AVI lines that reinforce the regional innovative fabric, including six key strategic lines: valuing research outcomes and their transfer to firms; promoting talent; promoting IPP; strategic cooperation projects; firmly establishing the business value chain; performing complementary actions to promote and reinforce innovation.

In this webinar, the following people also participated: Ernesto Clavel, Head of Development, and Carlos Vallejo, Head of Quality, Improvement and Projects, both from Colorker; Vicenta Ferrer, CCO of Nayar Systems; Francisco José Vea, Manager of Innovation and New Technologies from Simetría Grupo. They were examples of success cases with these aid lines, and they explained their experiences in undertaking joint projects with IVACE, CDTI and AVI, respectively.