On Wednesday 30 September, the “1 Event to Boost Creating UJI Spin-Off” was held. It was organised by Espaitec, the Science and Technology Park of the Universitat Jaume I (UJI), with financial support from the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI). This event was opened by the UJI Vice-Rector of Research and Transfer, Jesús Lancis, who stressed “the capacity of knowledge and research outcomes to create products with innovative value that can be launched on the market, as well as the socio-economic impact that those companies have, which are created based on this knowledge in our geographic area”.

During the first of the participations, the Manager of the UJI Cooperation Office for Technological Research and Development (OCIT), Ismael Rodrigo, presented the rapid guide for “Creating a Spin-Off” designed by Espaitec, a guide that presents the steps that must be taken to create a technology-based company. Ismael Rodrigo emphasised that “Spin-Offs are the ideal tool for knowledge transfer and research outcomes that can be exploited and, while they are being created, researchers/entrepreneurs will be explicitly supported by the university in all phases, and even after they have been created thanks to Espaitec’s mentoring programmes”.

Then the Manager of Espaitec, Juan Antonio Bertolín, shared some programmes that Espaitec undertakes, such as the Technological Alliance, the Technology Map of the province of Castellón or UJI Emprèn On Social, with which Espaitec encourages competitiveness through innovation, connects companies by generating synergies and mentoring, and by conferring value to new business initiatives. He also stressed that Espaitec offers companies financial counselling by identifying interesting calls to develop their business ideas.

During her participation, María José Tomás, from the UJI Centre for Technological and Industrial Development (CDTI), explained the main CDTI aid/subsidies in the technological innovation field with economic, social and environmental impacts that encompass aid for both companies and R&D&i. projects.

Successful Spin-Offs

During this event, three successful Spin-Offs linked with research centres participated: Expander Tech (Universitat Jaume I), Bioinicia (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) and Iquarobotics (Universitat de Girona). José Pascual Martí (Expander Tech) emphasised the need for a fluent and solid relationship to exist between Spin-Offs and the university because the basic role of the university community for such companies to be successful is extremely important. José María Lagaron (Bioinicia) pointed out that Spin-Offs are a business opportunity for large companies that cannot spend time on innovation and technology because they allow research to be connected to the business fabric. Joseta Roca (Iquarobotics) indicated that Spin-Offs are an ideal business formula for those PhDs and PhD students who have made major scientific and technological advances during their research years to access qualified and quality employment, without having to leave Spain to continue their professional careers. This idea was also underlined by David Cabedo, the UJI Deputy Vice-Rector of Research and Transfer, during the event’s closing ceremony which was held after a networking round table.

To end this virtual event, a round table was organised with all the participants during which, among other things, the need to form a multidisciplinary team with different capacities and talents to perform various tasks in the company was set out. The relevance of different public/private financing forms was stressed. It was also emphasised that Spin-Offs are an ideal business formula for research personnel who have made major scientific and technological advances during their research years to access qualified and quality employment, without having to leave Spain to continue their professional careers.