Companies from Castellón continue to opt for the E’joint4Challenge platform to consider their technological challenges. The latest challenge is entitled “Automation for reading P&ID principle drawings for fluid installations to obtain measurements”. It has been presented to be solved to the more than 8,000 technology-based firms belonging to the Science and Technology Parks that are APTE (Spanish National Assembly of Technology Parks) members, university research groups and technology centres, and mixed Business and Science (B&S) teams.

If a challenging firm considers that the solution presented by any of the companies offering solutions is suitable, it will be provided with contact details to establish commercial relations directly with Espaitec’s supervision to ensure quality service.

With this tool, Espaitec seeks to promote the importance of the innovation open to the Castellón businesses sector, and to come into contact with leading technology to encourage talent and to be able to solve the real problems that companies face. Basically, the intention of this mechanism is for it to act as a collective/participative tool to produce solutions and ideas.

Any company based in the province of Castellón that wishes to present challenges, or any firm linked with Science and Technology Parks that can offer solutions, can access the website to contact and register with this innovation support tool free of charge.