Cuatroochenta, a firm that forms part of Espaitec, the Science and Technology Park of the Universitat Jaume I, listed to BME Growth and has become a listed company, the first in the province of Castellón, whose shares have been revalued by 49.73%, and went from €9.35 as the starting price to €14 after its first auction. The Administration Board President, Vicente Montesinos, the CTO and cofounder, Sergio Aguado, and the CEO and cofounder, Alfredo R. Cebrián, rang the bell which was broadcast live by streaming in line with the health protocol to control the coronavirus pandemic. Its negotiation code is «480S», it is listed as fixing, and Renta 4 is its registered investment adviser and liquidity provider.

Despite today’s crisis, the Castellón-based technology company’s turnover has risen by more than an annual 20% to continue with its national consolidation and international growth as a reference in  cloud software development. «This is a beginning, not a goal; we have worked towards this moment at which to start a new growth phase », stressed Alfredo R. Cebrián during his speech.

«We are working on creating a technological reference in the digital solutions field in Spain», explained the CEO, who added: «Our plan was to join BME Growth, which is a turning point for us to accelerate and progress». This firm’s total value went from €20.8 to €31.14 million, which was the seventh debut in 2020 on the expanding companies market.

Vicente Montesinos, the Administration Board President, outlined «the great teamwork in the various offices during confinement and the pandemic», which allowed Cuatroochenta to «continue with constant and sustained growth and profitability, and it takes BME Growth as a means and not a purpose».

Sergio Aguado, the CTO and cofounder, referred to Cuatroochenta’s beginnings: «It all began in an Espaitec Technology Park networking» where, 9 years later, its headquarters remains on the UJI campus. He used the company as an «example of technology transfer» to «demonstrate that universities can be talent centres». Aguado, who remembered the first international steps taken in Latin America and integrations, and underlined Entorno Pre Mercado, a programme with which it has become the first company to join BME Growth.