Psique System, a company linked with Espaitec, has developed the Conecta-T application to encourage social interaction among people with a mental disorder, their family relations and mental health professionals

The firm Psique System, linked with Espaitec, has developed the social Conecta-T application, whose main objective is to promote the social interaction of people with a psychic disorder like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. The Conecta-T app offers a chat to create leisure groups and for people in similar situations to know one another; personalised daily challenges to train in social and/or cognition skills, and an agenda of activities that local town/city councils offer for each place.

Conecta-T addresses people with a mental disorder, their family relations and mental health professionals. This social application reduces social isolation, increases interactions among users from different centres and offers leisure alternatives for adult people with mental disorders by encouraging the use of new technologies as tools for psychosocial rehabilitation to provide a way to the social inclusion of this population who is excluded or labelled, or is socially stigmatised.

This social application’s benefit currently lies in a scientific process of validating the benefits that Conecta-T, as well as its design, offer so that it is simple and intuitive for users. One of the objectives of this Castellón-based technology company is to extend the use of Conecta-T to other groups, such as people with Down Syndrome.

Psique System

Psique System is a firm that focuses on creating new technological tools for vulnerable groups’ psychosocial rehabilitation. This firm is made up of psychologist Carla Juan Alfaro, who is Psique System’s CEO, and Marc Pérez Masdeu, a computer developer. Both are experienced in the metal health field.

This technology-based company was set up in 2021 after being awarded 10,000 euros financing from Banco Santander through Santander Universidades as one of the winning projects in the third edition of «UJI Emprèn OnSocial», the social enterprising programme of the Universitat Jaume I. This initiative is promoted jointly by the Vice-Rectors of Research and Transfer and of Students and Social Commitment, specifically through the INCREA Chair of Innovation, Creativity and Learning of the General Universitat Jaume I Foundation, which manages Espaitec, and with the collaboration of SECOT Castellón.