Taller financiación H2020 de Espaitec y Fundación Globalis

Mediterra?neo - 02/07/2016 Espaitec colabora con Fundación Globalis en la…

Tiendas online para el pequeño comercio

Revista Emprendedores 01/07/2016 La empresa virtual de espaitec Inunyi ofrece…

YUZZ Universitat Jaume I awards the Closeteck project with a journey to Silicon Valley

The CLOSETEK Project by Aarón Gómez de Segura is the winner of the Yuzz…

Brain Box: Produce ideas. Innovate. Share. Make an impact

Espaitec collaborates with Fundación Globalis to promote a business work group…

European satellite navigation competition 2016

Concurso de ideas basadas en navegación por satélite Galileo Masters

Ampliado plazo hasta el 11 de julio. Todavía puedes optar a un premio valorado…

Science and technology park companies increase by 20%, employment increases 5% and turnover by 9%

We attended the APTE’s General Assembly, held at PITA (the Almería Science…

Franquicias akiwifi foto grupo

Akiwifi’s franchising model is well-established in Spain

The experiences interchange has allowed successful cases to be known and has…

The UJI acknowledges espaitec’s collaboration in the 25th anniversary visits programme

The Universitat Jaume I’s (UJI) visits programme celebrates this university’s…