Teleworking during confinement

On Thursday 16 April, we organised the first webinar as one of a series of…

Webinar: firms' agile transformation

“The three agile transformation dimensions: product, processes and people" the…

8ª Edición Castellón Global Program

You can now register for the 8th edition of Castellón Global Program

The 8th edition of the Castellón Global Program (CGP) the reference business…

Proyecto Antenas 2019

The Transfer Antennae Project allowed research groups to contact 66 companies in 2019

The Knowledge Transfer Antennae Project, initially set up in Sagunto and…

Espaitec’s FabLab collaborates with innovative initiatives against COVID-19

Espaitec, the Science and Technology Park by means of the Vice-Rectorate of…

NOB166 open offices Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 

NOB166®, an intelligent antimicrobial, has been patented that is innovative and…

Espaitec 1 2015

Statement by Espaitec about the COVID-19 crisis

As from 23 March, no face-to-face attention shall be provided in the…

Biótica revalides Legipid certification

Biótica, a company based at Espaitec that specialises in the rapid detection of…

CloudAPPI extends its frontier in Perú

CloudAPPi, based at Espaitec, advances in the international market and sets its…


Banco Santander presents the UJI Emprèn OnSocial Programme Awards

The press room of the Rectorate Building at the Universitat Jaume I housed the…