Utopic Estudios joins Espaitec

With this link, Utopic Estudios, which specialises in made-to-measure…

How to Be in the Flow and Create Something Beautiful

Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an…

How to Be in the Flow and Create Something Beautiful

Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an…

Biótica revalida el mètode Legipid

Biótica, empresa especialitzada en la detecció ràpida de microorganimes en…

Biótica revalida el método Legipid

Biótica, empresa especializada en la detección rápida de microorganimos en el…

Biótica revalides Legipid certification

Biótica, a company based at Espaitec that specialises in the rapid detection of…

I Like Keep Things Simple to Appreciate the Details

Just the other day I happened to wake up early. That is unusual for an…

Semanticbots participa en ONCE Innova Emprendedores

La ONCE reconoce la innovación de Sayobo, un chatbot dotado de inteligencia…

Semanticbots participa en ONCE Innova Emprenedores

L'ONCE reconeix la innovació de Sayobo, un chatbot dotat d'intel·ligència…

Semanticbots participates in ONCE Innova Emprendedores

The ONCE accepts the innovation of Sayobo, a chatbot developed by the firm…