Espaitec is linked to the APTEFORMA service, a platform managed by APTE
(the Spanish National Assembly of Technology Parks) and offers free training to
the firms linked to the park.
APTEFORMA is a service for all those firms located in an APTE member park.
The training themes mainly include new technologies.

All training is given by pills, MOOCs or self-training courses. Webinars or video
pills are also included.
The objective of this service is for APTE member parks to use it as a service
with added value for those companies and organisations linked to any park
member, and to favour knowledge of disruptive technologies among firms’

Some of the themes found on APTEFORMA: Blockchain, Cybersecurity,
Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, Smart Cities, Edge
Computing, Augmented Reality, Big Data and 3D manufacturing and printing.

Supporting business digitalisation and digital talent advancing are important
aspects to help increase companies’ competitiveness in an ever-changing
environment. This is why Espaitec offers users appealing training contents, and
exclusive, new and APTE-owned contents.

Once self-training courses and MOOCs on APTEFORMA finish, users will be
offered a certificate to show they have completed this training.

APTEFORMA is free of charge, and reserved only to workers of the companies
and organisations located in Spanish Science and Technology Parks.
If you are a member of any firm linked to Espaitec and you wish to register, click
on this link.