The “Seniors-Juniors: intergenerational hybridisation promotes successful businesses” workshop will take place from 09:00h to 10:15 and will debate the importance of mentoring and knowledge exchange between businesspeople of recently set up businesses and of consolidated ones. Juniors and seniors will exchange knowledge and experience to look at the hybridisation of “executive seniors + entrepreneurial juniors” in detail, and their knowledge and experience, when it comes to ensuring successful business initiatives.

Juan Antonio Bertolín, the Director of Innovation and Projects at espaitec, will moderate the table. Participation will include José Daniel Escrig, member of the Spanish Seniors Association for Technocal Cooperation (SECOT) of Castellón, and entrepreneurs like Leticia Reig, Eduardo Lagares Mateos or Miguel Bellido Torres. They will help us all to learn how intergenerational hybridisation was a key factor in the focal point, creation and promotion of their business projects.

Enrédate Castellón addresses innovative businesspeople, entrepreneurs, young people with business interests and who are interesting in doing new things in the province of Castellón. The aim of this encounter is to create new opportunities, generate networks, contacts, exchange opinions, and learn about trends, emerging sectors, international markets, etc.,