The Science, Technology and Business Park (espaitec) of the Universitat Jaume I (UJI), and the Special Communications Unit, Intervention for Peace in Conflicts and Support to the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UPIC-UNAOC), which is linked to the Interuniversity Institute of Social Development and Peace (IUDESP), signed a collaboration agreement which sets out the general terms of action for the following year.
This collaboration indicates the interest of both parties in the domain to which the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) apply to research into studies on peace, and the pacific transformation of conflicts and human rights. The objective is twofold; on the one hand, to favour studies on peace and conflicts carried out by UPIC-UNAOC which can mark the difference by contributing a technological basis; on the other hand, bring together espaitec, its firms and the research groups linked to the tertiary sector by contributing social innovation in specific projects.

Among the specific actions to be carried out, some stand out: identifying geospatial technologies to evaluate areas in conflict and speeches on promoting violence and peace; jointly proposing research projects and/or collaborations in scientific and diffusion training events; establishing and coordinating collaboration actions between UPIC-UNAOC and the UJI research groups linked to espaitec; making a series of espaitec-linked firms preferential technological partners in any of the projects in which UPIC-UNAOC participates; favouring the relevant and acknowledged international presence of the Special Communications Unit, Intervention for Peace in Conflicts and Support to the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations for it to make known the projects and actions carried out by espaitec and its firms to the general public globally.