The Science, Technology and Business Park of the Universitat Jaume I (UJI), espaitec, has been accepted as a new member of the Global ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Parks Network, an initiative founded in October 2012 in Hagenberg, Austria. Fourteen Science and Technology Parks participate in it from countries like Russia, Denmark, Israel, Germany, Brazil, Thailand, Estonia and the Czech Republic, among others.

Among the actions taken by this Network, a new programme called “Go Global” has just been launched for the purpose of promoting exchanges of firms in the computing sector among all the member countries. By means of Go Global, the espaitec firms in the ICT sector will be able to benefit from stays in any of the Network member countries and, in turn, international firms could spend a period of time in espaitec’s installations.

The "Go Global" programme supports the ICT firms linked to the member parks which wish to expand internationally. Thus the parks belonging to this network can offer their soft-landing services (offices, incubation, coaching, seeking financing, access to local markets, human resources and R&D support) to the firms of the other member parks.

Espaitec currently encompasses 56 linked firms, organisations and research groups, of which 40% correspond to the ICT sector. The products and services offered in this sector for the espaitec-linked firms range from the development of mobile applications to secure payments via mobile phones, electronic administration, web creation or computing security, among others.

To be able to form part of the Network, any park interested must be recommended by another park member. Espaitec was recommended by the Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol of Estonia. This park has signed a letter of understanding through the e'Innobridge programme to facilitate the soft-landing of espaitec firms in Estonia, and vice versa. Currently, the aim of the Castellón-based park is to sign collaboration agreements with the 14 network member parks so that firms from other sectors can benefit from this internationalisation opportunity.

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