This is the first time that such an event has been held in Colombia because the Colombian innovation system is still incipient and Science and Technology Parks initiatives do not manage to get off the ground. In fact in Colombia, there are 11 Science and Technology Parks initiatives, among which the Guatiguará Technology Park, the Technology Park of the National Colombia University and the Biopacific Technology Park are the most advanced.

Indeed in the Boyacá region, there is a new Science, Technology and Innovation policy within which the so-called Contract Plan programme is being carried out, which has been granted 300 million dollars to be divided among five strategical priorities, which include reinforcing Science, Technology and Innovation. As part of this priority, three Science and Technology Parks initiatives are expected to be exercised in order to promote the materials, agroindustry and ICT sector.

During the 3 days that this Congress lasted, emphasis was placed more than once on Science and Technology Parks being fundamental part of developing local economies. In line with this, the Governor of Boyacá, Juan Carlos Granados, announced during the Congress’ opening ceremony an investment of around 40 million euros to create three Technology Parks in the mining, agroindustry and ICT areas.

More than 300 people attended this Congress, in which 17 speakers from five countries participated: Brazil, Spain, Colombia, China and South Africa. Espaitec, represented by Paco Negre and Juan Antonio Bertolín, General Director and the Director of Projects and Innovation, respectively, was there along with other national colleagues and APTE members.

During this talk, Paco Negre examined the socio-economic impact of Science and Technology Parks on the areas where they are located, as well as the efficiency of these parks and the firms located in them. Juan Antonio Bertolín stressed the importance of Science and Technology Parks in knowledge management as they are places which help knowledge to flow among the various innovation agents involved.