The University of Valencia Science Park is hosting a workshop entitled “Experiencias en innovación responsable: una oportunidad para los parques científicos valencianos” [Experiences in responsible innovation: an opportunity for Valencian science parks]. The workshop aims to raise awareness of the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) model promoted by the European Union with the aim that technological developments and advances in innovation respond to society’s needs, expectations and values, so that innovation and citizenship companies benefit and enrich each other. The workshop will be held on Wednesday 20 November 2019, from 12 noon to 2 p.m., in the training room of the Science Park of the University of Valencia with free entry prior registration.

The workshop will deal with the concept of RRI and the keys and opportunities it offers for companies through dynamic activities. In order to give an applied vision of the benefits of responsible research, the results of the project of participation and dialogue with society developed in the Science, Technology and Business Park of the Universitat Jaume I (Espaitec) will be explained. Hugo Ferrer, CEO of the company specialising in the design of SemanticBots conversational platforms, will explain how RRI’s actions have led the company to rethink its innovation strategy, opening the way to new products that are more in line with the real needs of some groups.

The workshop will also explain the results achieved by the other three participating companies: Cuatroochenta, for the development of mobile phone applications and other digital transformation products; Zeus Smart Visual Data, a company that offers solutions that unify massive data sources in multiple panels to have a complete view of real-time information through dashboards; and Proyecto Kryptonita, specialised in the development of R&D activities in the food sector. The project researchers Rosana Sanahuja and Alicia Andrés will lead the workshop.

The session is part of the project “Experiencias en innovación responsable: una oportunidad para los parques científicos valencianos” [Experiences in responsible innovation: an opportunity for Valencian science parks] funded by the Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Valencian Regional Government, and developed by the Vice-rectorate for Research and Transfer of the Universitat Jaume I through the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the Communication and Publications Service.

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