The Universitat Jaume I and the Sagunto Town Council are organising a Transfer Event for 10 December at 09:00h at the Mario Monreal Cultural Centre in the capital of Camp de Morvedre. The main aim of this event is for professionals from companies located in Sagunto and research groups from the Universitat Jaume I to get to know each other and to explore joint collaboration possibilities.

This event forms part of the Project of Knowledge Transfer Antennae, carried out by the General Universitat Jaume I Foundation, and financed by the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE).

Participants in the Transfer event

It will be opened by the Mayor of Sagunto, Darío Moreno, and the Vice-Rector of Research and Transfer of the Universitat Jaume I, Jesús Lancis. Then the Manager of the General Universitat Jaume I Foundation, Juan Antonio Bertolín, will present the methodology of the event and provide interesting information about calls for public aid for R+D+i and for doing PhDs in companies, a formula that has proven efficient in contributing to the industrial fabric’s competitiveness and internationalisation, to retain talent and to place PhD students in conditions in which to perform R+D+i projects in companies. PhD study programmes in companies encourage strategic research projects in the business domain.

It is highlighted that companies from Sagunto, like Pilkington, Climalife, Gonvarri or Format 3D, will hold 30-minute meetings with groups of researchers from the Universitat Jaume I in different knowledge areas, such as Manufacturing Engineering, Design Engineering, Electricity and Electronics, Refrigeration, Heat Transfer, Multiphase Fluids or Environmental and Occupational Hazards.