The Cooperation Office for Technological Research and Development (OCIT) of the Universitat Jaume I leads the UJI.>LAB Impuls knowledge transfer initiative with support from Espaitec

The Universitat Jaume I is promoting the knowledge transfer generated at this public university of Castellón by the second UJI.>LAB Impuls programme call. It aims to place UJI technologies under the best conditions to transfer them either by licensing processes or enabling a Technology-based firm (TBF) or spin-off to be set up. This project is led by UJI’s Cooperation Office of Technological Research and Development (OCIT), in which Espaitec participates by managing the programme.


The UJI.>LAB Impuls initiative centres on proof-of-concept projects by considering their technological maturity level according to the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) classification. A suitable starting point is set when technology is at level TRL3 (Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof-of-concept) and there is the possibility of protecting patent rights and/or copyrights. The main objective is to pass the next levels to reach levels TRL6 (System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment, ground or space) or TRL7 (System prototype demonstration in a space environment).


During the first UJI.>LAB Impuls call, aid was granted for Reliance and RPBio projects. Reliance consists in developing a smart system to support radiodiagnosis based on artificial intelligence (AI) computer system techniques and in processing vast quantities of data (Big Data). The software contains a module to detect diseases by means of PA chest X-rays and reports associated with being used in production areas. In this call/While developing this software, the Universitat Jaume I and FISABIO participate, with coordination by Manuel Francisco Dolz, a researcher from the UJI Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The RPBio project is based on developing a device capable of simultaneously and automatically measuring the biodegradation of up to 40 plastic samples by employing artificial intelligence tools and predictive calculation to optimise test components and times. This initiative is coordinated by José Gámez, a researcher from the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Design of the Universitat Jaume I.


As in the previous call, this second UJI.>LAB Impuls edition offers a maximum of two grants and the top value per project is 50,000 euros. Researcher staff will also be supported by a mentor, an external professional who specialises in the invention development area. This aid will be for Universitat Jaume I (UJI) researcher staff with a civil servant, occupational or statutory link with the UJI for a 3-year period from the time when the period to present applications ends. The UJI research staff who have applied for this call belong to these UJI departments: Education and Didactics of Specific Subjects; Mechanical Engineering and Construction; Inorganic and Organic Chemistry; Computer Languages and Systems; English Studies; Basic, Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology.

The Cooperation Office for Technological Research and Development (OCIT)


The Cooperation Office of Technological Research and Development (OCIT) of the Universitat Jaume I is the office for transferring research outcomes. This unit is appointed to the Vice-Rectorates for Research and Innovation and for Transfer and Scientific Dissemination. The latter promotes and manages the research and technological innovation/ the technologi cal research and innovation activities of the Universitat Jaume I in two ways: promoting University-Company collaboration by the connection between the scientific and technological knowledge generated by researchers, as well as firms and organisations’ R&D&I needs; supporting the research groups to participate in public programmes with financing for research and development (R&D) activities.