The Chair of IVACE (Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness), Rafael Climent
González, and the Manager of the General Universitat Jaume I Foundation, which is
Espaitec’s managing organisation, Juan Antonio Bertolín, have signed a new
agreement to promote knowledge and technology transfer between the university and
companies to support innovative entrepreneurship in the province of Castellón. The
UJI Deputy Vice-Rector of Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, David Cabedo,
was present while the agreement was being signed.

This signing took place on 29 July at the IVACE Head Offices in the 9 October
Administrative City. It intends to promote and motivate business competitiveness,
sustainable development and help companies in the province of Castellón to adapt to
market requirements through collaboration agreements with the UJI.

Thanks to this agreement, the Science Park of the Universitat Jaume I (Espaitec) will
undertake a series of projects that centre on transferring the knowledge generated at
this university to society. Some of these projects will be undertaken through
coordination with the Science Parks of other Valencian universities, while Espaitec will
be directly in charge of other projects.

The aim of one of the projects of the latter type is to create a technological map of
innovative companies in the province of Castellón. This map will provide a real view of
the territorial distribution of these companies.

Another project will be put into practice in collaboration with the Office for
Cooperation in Research and Technological Development (OCIT) of the Universitat
Jaume I, and will disseminate research results via two diffusion antennae in two towns
at which the University is based: Vinarós and Sagunto. The intention is to promote an
interaction between companies and research groups, and to ultimately transfer the
knowledge generated at the University to the business fabric.

Finally, the UJI#LAB project will create a space where UJI university community
members can respond to society’s problems and challenges in a creative and
innovative setting to facilitate transferring knowledge and technology developed at
the UJI. This project includes setting up a prototype centre where the designs that
have emerged from the works conducted by university community members can be