The Castellón Council Offices and Espaitec very positively value the effort and level managed by the nine participating companies that presented their business acceleration plans this morning at the Universitat Jaume I.

After the participating companies had received intensive training for 6 months, the Castellón Global Program ended, which is the reference business acceleration programme in the province of Castellón. After seven editions, it has become well-established in the business sector, and seeks to revitalise organisation to obtain new more efficient and innovative work forms that can be more productive.

The nine companies that have participated in this edition operate in eight different sectors and are located in six towns (in brackets) in the province of Castellón: Arumani Ibérica, the industrial sector (La Vall d’Uixó), Cloudappi, the information and telecommunications technologies sector (Castellón), Cye Energía, the renewable energies sector (Castellón), Fustecma, the furniture sector (La Vilavella), La Carrasca, the agro-food sector (Xert), Micrea Film Projects, the audiovisual sector (Castellón), Prades Movimiento de Tierras, the building sector (Castellón), Sagafluid, the engineering sector (Vila-Real) and TN Solucions, the engineering sector (Onda).

During these training months, companies have worked with highly prestigious teachers and professional mentors with plenty of national and international experience, who have shared their experiences and recommendations with all the selected companies so they can develop by following set patterns. From May to November, these companies have attended different particularly relevant training sessions, which have covered themes like innovation, business strategies or internationalisation, among others, apart from marketing and innovation workshops being run.

The Castellón Global Program is organised by Espaitec and is financed by the Castellón Council Offices to help make the business sector in the province of Castellón strong and innovative, and to also help rural areas to fight against depopulation. One of the advantages of participating in the programme is that once it ends, companies become Castellón Global Program Companies Club members, a club made up of all the companies that have participated in all the editions. They also obtain advantages like personalised mentoring or being able to freely attend different activities at Espaitec, such as the talk on innovation given this year by Silvia Leal.


Jesús Policarpio, the general manager of Arumani Ibérica, stressed that the programme has been very useful for strategically defining certain feasible solutions for a new business line that this company is developing. During the presentation by Daniel Alonso, a founder partner of Micrea Film Projects, he stressed the programme’s capacity to introduce 360º innovation into companies; that is, in processes that directly improve the project’s daily operation. He also highlighted the training received, which provided an overview of his company by reinforcing knowledge in very different areas like finances or human resources. Finally, Rafael Goterris, head of operations at Cloudappi, stressed that the Castellón Global Program enabled them to obtain a business vision and not just a technological vision. He also underlined the support received in the company’s growth phase, which is currently opening new markets in Barcelona and Latin America.

More information about the program at