Cristina Botella, the Director of the Laboratory of Psychology and Labpsitec Technology of the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) and the CIBERobn Group, assured that it is the responsibility of male and female researchers to communicate any advances made “in order to ensure that they actually reach society and the people affected”.

“I believe that is essential that the things we do reach people”. This is how Cristina Botella started her speech, during which she stressed that “society has invested in our training and research, and is awaiting feedback. Besides, to make advances useful, it is necessary to communicate them efficiently”. According to the opinion of this teacher in UJI’s Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatments, diffusing results and making them accessible to society are matters that must form part of research personnel’s good practice code. Therefore, she urged communication to act as a starting point that ought to be considered when preparing research project budgets, and to also consider university resources as communication services.

In order to improve the scientific-technological diffusion that the UJI carries out, five espaitec-linked firms presented innovative tools in the workshop for teaching and research personnel. The firm Doubleexperience emphasised the importance of communication with all five senses to create an experience and a whole range of sensations among users. Inhedit underlined the possibilities of this emotional communication by developing comprehensive and personalised projects. and Actualweb emphasised the possibilities that web sites and new technologies offer to communicate all kinds of projects, including research ones. This workshop also counted on the participation of the firm Hojéalo, and dealt with the usefulness of digital libraries to provide users with a large number of documents more efficiently. The Director of the Communication and Publications Service, Francisco Fernández Beltrán, highlighted during the conference presentation that the result of adding the “d” of diffusion to the traditional R&D+i formula is that we obtain “P squared” in the sense of prestige and sponsoring possibilities. Thus communication by research groups is a way of offering new opportunities.

This conference was opened by the Vice-Rector of Research and Postgraduate Studies, Antonio Barba, and was sponsored by RUVID, the Valencian Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, and the firms Facsa and Iproma of the Gimeno Servicios Group.

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