Juan José Ortiz, the CEO of Inoibérica, presented «Amazing City Castellón», the first tourist gamification app whose development was based completely on Spanish technology that has converted a tourist experience into an interactive game by means of mobile devices. The project has been considered one of the most innovative projects of the Valencian Community. During this encounter, its creators have shown young UJI students the potential aspects of this tool to attract loyal visitors.

The «Amazing City Castellón» app was launched in October and is available for devices that work with Android and iOS. With this app, tourists travelling to the province of Castellón can make visits as if they formed part of a game in which they can enjoy adventures with different themes and interests, and can opt for prizes in the catering and restaurant sector linked to this project.

According to the Inoibérica company, this product is a combination of technological and artistic elements in which the game experience has become a determining factor for visitors to enjoy tourist attractions in towns in a completely novel way.

This application has been set up with more than one hundred adventures which can be enjoyed throughout the province. For the time being, the Castellón Council Offices, through the Provincial Tourist Board and the Town Councils of Benicàssim, Burriana, Onda, Almassora, Betxí, Cabanes, Benlloch, Montanejos, Ribesalbes, Morella, Villafranca del Cid and Lucena, have already contracted these interactive adventures in their own towns as a tourist promotion and fidelity tool. The company foresees the list of towns becoming longer in the near future, especially in view of the app being presented in the Tourist Trade Fair Fitur 2015, to be held in January 2015.