Agile development in software is becoming increasingly more important. Among its advantages, its capacity to minimise risks while developing software in short time intervals stands out, where planning, requirements analysis, design, coding, checks and documents are the basis of any development. In order to bring this work technology closer to companies, 4TIC and Becodemyfriend have organised a series of courses in Valencia and Barcelona for the next few months.

The “Agile @ Work” course will permit those attending to break away from conventional training bases. During the three weekends that the course lasts, scheduled on Friday evening and Saturday morning, those attending will work in an Agile team in a real project and under the supervision of two experts, who will supervise team activities and will provide the necessary “knowledge pills” to successfully finish the proposed challenge. The didactic objective is to face the complete project development in an agile manner by briefing on the techniques and applying the concepts acquired each day at work.

The courses in Barcelona will be held in July, and the exact dates remain to be confirmed. You can now register for the courses in Valencia for the weekends of 16, 23 and 30 May. All the information can be found at

Below we summarise the most relevant information:

  • Name of this course: Agile At Work
  • Given by: 4TIC, an espaitec-linked start-up firm and Becodemyfriend
  • Editions: Valencia and Barcelona
  • Valencia: 15 places for the weekends of 16, 23 and 30 May
  • Friday evening and Saturday morning, 4 hours per session, 24 in all.
  • Barcelona: in July, dates still to be confirmed
  • Price of the Valencia courses: 450 euros with 2 places for attendees with grants